Join our email list below to receive important S&J information. There is no obligations when signing up for the listserv.

Welcome Incoming Bronx Science and HSAS Freshmen students!

Our 2025-2026 early bird is now OPEN!

Queens: $4198 / Manhattan: $4398

Sign up for our 2025-2026 Bronx Science/HSAS Bus below for a comfortable, smooth, and quality bus ride.

trusted by bronx sci and hsas parents!

Congratuations on your child’s acceptance to Bronx Sci, hsas, and stuy!

please contact us at for any questions.

Please join our Email List for updates: EMAIL LIST

Welcome parents and students! S&J is excited to be providing you with excellent service!

Incoming Freshmen Students:

  • We boost a 100% satisfaction rate on our services and on-time performances from our current riders.

  • Convenient After school courtesy buses

  • 24/7 Live support

  • 10% Sibling discount

  • GPS Tracking

  • Experienced Bus Drivers

  • USB Charging Ports, Heat, A/C, and Comfort!

For students interested in Yellow School Bus service only, you can visit: (黄巴服务)

When emailing back the contracts, please format the subject line and the name of the file according to the directions below to avoid delays:

Subject Line & Name of File:

(School)_(Student Last Name,Student First Name)_(Incoming Grade)

e.g.: BronxScience_Smith,John_10th


Thank you and we look forward to providing quality and safe transportation to you!

Please feel free to contact us at or call us at 718-921-4246 for questions on stops and flexibility.

Join our email list HERE to receive important S&J information and projected bus stops for the upcoming school year. There is no obligations when signing up for the listserv.